Friday: scheduling

Scheduling is one of my pet peeves, simply because locking diaries for a briefing between an exec and an analyst is complicated. They’re just usually really busy and travel so much they have a better chance to bump into each other in an aiport lounge than on a conference call! I sometimes think it’s easier to keep track of particules in the LHC…

Thankfully, there are a few tools today that make my life simpler:

  • I’ve already blogged about, it would be great if all analysts used it!
  • I also use twitter to see when analysts are available for a quick chat
  • dopplr and tripit are also useful to see when they might be in the same location

Anyway, what prompted this post was the cartoon on the left from the multi-talented Andreas “Andy” Bitterer: we already knew his photographic and analytical skills (need advice on data quality anyone?), it seems he’s quite good at drawing too. It’s funny as well, just to disprove some myths about Germans 🙂

So check his blog, it’s well worth it:
Analysterical – The Exotic Life of Analysts

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4 thoughts on “Friday: scheduling”

  1. Pingback: The hype cycle of Vendor Briefing Requests | The IIAR Blog

  2. Pingback: The hype cycle of Vendor Briefing Requests | The IIAR Blog

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